Frequent Questions

What are GDAs?

GDAs: Learn what you eat

Lately even more food packaging includes the GDAs (Guideline Daily Amounts) labels which indicate what is contained in a portion of food with respect to its nutritional ingredients.


What are GDAs?

The system of GDAs was initially developed by the Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the EU (CIAA) in 1998, following an initiative by the largest food companies in Europe. It was finalized and assumed its definitive form – applicable on a volunteer basis – in 2006. It is about unified labeling on food packaging, allowing us to easily understand how much each portion of such food product contributes to our daily diet, with respect to calories, sugar, fat, saturated fat and sodium.

All international scientific data on nutrition have been taken into consideration for the calculation of the GDAs, as well as the legislation governing the labeling, with respect to the nutritional value, of foods.


How do the GDAs inform us?

The data which form the basis of the system concern the nutrition for a healthy adult, in the context of a balanced daily diet of 2000 calories, and are as follows:

Calories 2000 Kcal
Sugar 90 g
Fat 70 g
Saturates 20 g
Sodium 2,4 g

Example: if we drink one glass (250 ml) of whole milk, the intake in calories is 158, namely 8% of the indicative, or guideline, daily intake with respect to calories, according to the table above. Using the same method the percentage contributed with respect to the remaining constituents is also calculated and is depicted on the five key labels, with their characteristic shape, we find on the packages of food products and which comprise the GDAs labeling.


In what respect are they different from RDAs?

GDAs are different from RDAs (Recommended Daily Amount). RDAs concern the recommended percentages for vitamins and micro nutrients which are essential for our nutrition. It is common for a food package to include both labels.


Why are GDAs important for our nutrition?  

In a consumer’s survey conducted in Great Britain, France and Germany, a percentage greater than 80% responded that GDAs help them choose the best and healthiest product for their nutrition.

Now we can all know how and why we need the food we consume in our diet, make better choices and take care for a healthy and balanced daily diet.

After all, we feel proud of the fact that CHELMOS is one of the first companies to implement the GDAs labeling on its products’ packaging, for the proper and accurate informing of consumers.